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💭 A precious stone that will make you look good

Alum stone - AFTERSHAVE ALUM STONE - 75gr

The best kept secret of master barbers

100% natural one-piece stone

Made in France

Hypoallergenic, suitable for all skin types

👩‍🔬💬 | Soothing and healing? That's what we call killing two birds with one stone!

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Delivered to your home within 48 hours!

🧑‍🏫 Usage

Run the stone under cold water, then apply it to your beautiful clean-shaven skin. Use it before your electric shave to make the cut easier, and after your manual shave to speed up the healing process and calm razor burns. it may cause a slight tingling sensation, but... it's for your own good!

PS: if you want to learn more about the subject, discover our incredible skincare courses for free!

💈The most BARBER

Used since immemorial times by master barbers for its soothing and healing properties, natural alum stone is an essential part of traditional shaving. Ideal for calming razor burns, or facilitating electric shaving, its benefits on the skin are unparalleled. Try it, you will tell us about it!

Traditional French manufacturing and 100% natural.

🧪 Wording

Monsieur BARBIER's alum stone is directly extracted, then cut to form this beautiful, homogeneous block that adorns your bathroom. Unlike reconstructed blocks, it guarantees unequaled comfort and durability, without crumbling. A cutting-edge quality!

🌱 Ingredients (INCI)

Potassium Alum.

Find all our ingredients in our “ 🌱Glossary ”!

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Alum stone - AFTERSHAVE ALUM STONE - 75gr





" An alum stone is a block of natural mineral salt extracted from quarries all over the world. Used for centuries for its purifying, astringent, soothing and healing properties, it has become an essential accessory for Master Barbers. Before shaving, it smoothes the skin and straightens the hair. After shaving, it repairs the skin while preventing irritation and infection. "



Monsieur BARBIER's natural alum stone is cut directly from the block, with no reconstitution! For maximum longevity and ultimate comfort.



Alum soothes and calms razor burns after shaving while promoting healing. A real professional tool to take care of your beautiful skin!

Did you know ? 👇

The traditional, all-natural shave

Alum stone is a good alternative to the classic aftershave. Its soothing and healing properties are ideal for calming razor burns and preventing infections from micro-cuts. Its effectiveness is comparable to any aftershave product, with the difference that alum stone is natural and very ecological.

Be careful to distinguish between real natural alum stone, made with potassium salt, marked "Potassium Alum" in the ingredients list, and chemical alum stone with ammonium salt marked "Ammonium Alum", which is not very good for your health. We tell you more in our glossary!

Shaving in one block

Amongst natural alum stones, there are two categories: those that are actually a block cut directly from the mineral, and those that are reconstituted. Like modeling clay, it is possible to put together several pieces of alum to make a block, but it will not have the same appearance or the same comfort in use. In addition, a reconstituted stone will tend to crumble, which is inconvenient, in addition to significantly reducing its lifespan.

Alum stone before electric shaving?

We often talk about alum stones as aftershaves, but you should know that this block has properties that are highly appreciated in pre-shaving, especially electric pre-shaving. Indeed, its astringent power tightens the skin's pores to smooth it, thus promoting a smooth glide, for an irritation-free shave. The alum stone also has the effect of straightening the hair, which will make your electric shave much more effective. All profit! ;-)

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Prudence !

Efficace mais peut devenir tranchant. La pierre s'est brisée alors que je la passait dans le cou. Elle est devenue tranchante comme du verre ! Prudence !

Pierre d'alun

Le meilleur aprés -rasage que je connaisse.Celà fait 50 ans que j'en utilise,ayant essayé d'autres produits pour comparer,elle n'a pas d'égal.C' est grâce aussi à elle que j'ai découvert le site Mr Barbier car elle devient trés difficile à trouver.
J'en ai profiter pour essayer le rasoir le Président avec 5 lames,le savon de rasage Better Shave et le blaireau et vous avez la recette d'un petit moment de bonheur du matin.Grand merci à toute l'équipe de Mr Barbier pour ces produits remarquables.
Stéphane Decrock

beatrice Scherrer

Tout à été parfait , la rapidité de livraison aussi, ainsi que les réponses à mes demandes

Alain Virgo
Très bon après rasage

Je l'apprécie depuis longtemps et également pour calmer les démangeaisons des piqures de moustiques!

Jean-Luc Bizet

Petite pierre, prise en main délicate