In this third article in a series devoted to original portraits of personalities like no other, we invite you to meet a French expert in quality hair brushing, the brilliant Allison Bricknell George , director of L'artisan Brossier at the service of your hair beauty!
Yes, yes, Mr. Barber may stand out with his 100% sandalwood beard and hair comb, but he is not the only one to cut his hair into four parts to satisfy your hair happiness!
L'Artisan Brossier enters the scene with hairbrushes of exceptional quality made from boar bristles. (it’s mind-blowing, right?!)
And their teams have taken up the challenge of offering you brushes designed to adapt to all types of hair, durable over time AND accessible to EVERYONE.
Of course, you can find the jewels of Artisan Brossier on the Monsieur BARBIER website, in the Beard & Hair section (you would have guessed it, not enough to tear your hair out). Don't look elsewhere, this is where your hair will find its new best friend!

So dear friends, whether you are a beard master, a mane tamer or simply someone who loves having beautiful hair, remember that in the world of hairbrushes, there are artists such as Monsieur Barbier and l'Artisan Brossier, who stand out for their commitment to quality and their passion for hair care.
And now, get ready to dive into the interview where we will reveal all the secrets of the art of hairdressing, guided by our hair expert!
We are witnessing a real change in habits around the sustainability of quality products. Brushing your hair is an ancestral gesture whose usefulness and pleasure we all know. Perhaps we had forgotten it a little. And this awareness is even more remarkable among men. They know that by purchasing a L'Artisan Brossier brush, they will have the best companion for the care and beauty of their hair for many years.
- When we discovered your brand of Made in France products, we were surprised by their great quality/price ratio, like a Barbier, hehe.
What is your secret?
Our ambition is to offer quality and Made in France at an affordable price. For this, we have a reduced catalog to be able to offer quality materials and a beautiful finish, because a good quality L'Artisan Brossier hairbrush must remain accessible!
- It is often said that brushing your hair every day is good for your health. Can you tell us more, doctor? :-)
Brushing your hair is a real treatment, especially with natural fibers. This helps distribute hydration from the roots to the tips, remove dust and other particles that have accumulated during the day and avoid knots that would break the hair. This daily gesture promotes spacing between shampoos and helps reduce the quantity of product used on the hair. It is also a real moment for yourself which allows you to relax, because brushing, particularly with a pneumatic brush, has a relaxing effect.
- What brushes would you recommend for men? And should we make a distinction between brushes for short hair or long/mid-length hair?
The brush that is suitable for most people, including men, is our Pure Boar Pneumatic Brush. Boar hair has many benefits because it is made up of keratin, like our hair, which allows it to distribute the hair's hydration very effectively and close its scales to make it stronger. The pneumatic cushion, for its part, allows you to massage and activate microcirculation for better scalp health.
The main distinction is made according to the nature of the hair. If the Pur Sanglier is suitable for most people, our Pur Sanglier and Nylon Pimples brush is more effective for people with thick hair or curly hair, particularly if it is long.
- Question added: What is the distinction between a brush for men and a brush for women?
None. A brush is by nature gender neutral. Its size and type of fibers must be chosen according to the nature of the hair and the type of brushing you are looking for. We sell blow drying brushes to men to tame and style their beard or hair, straightening brushes to women who want to fight frizz and create flat hairstyles.
The only recommendation is to avoid sharing your brush. For example, if one of a couple has oily hair, there will be excess sebum which will not be beneficial for the other.
- If you buy a beautiful brush from Artisan Brossier, what would be your 3 tips for maintaining it and making it an ally for the next 30 years?
Maintaining our brushes is simple and can be done in 3 steps:
1. Regularly remove hair from the brush, by hand or with a wide-toothed comb.
2. Wash the brush with shampoo and rinse it thoroughly, without soaking it, at most once a month.
3. Dry it, hairs down, and never on a heat source.
Thank you 1000 times Allison for this beautiful interview and especially for this beautiful collaboration. 🤗
The Mr. BARBIER bonus?
In Quebec, "to see a brush " means to party by getting drunk and drinking a large quantity of alcoholic beverages . S Its origin comes from the Old French word: "broce" (same root as brousse and broussaille, meaning forest, bush, and going to la broce therefore designated the action of going hunting.
Figuratively, it meant going on a wandering and adventure. By extension, and today distorted into "to remove a brush", it designates the action of leaving for an eventful and very alcoholic evening!